Dario Milicic, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
Dario is available for hire
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Dario Milicic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
April 7, 2016

Dario started programming almost 15 years ago. He built two startups—web and mobile—while at college and has been employed as an Android contractor the past 5+ years. He's worked with the YC-funded company Bellabeat and was a contractor for Ericsson, Johnson&Johnson, and Schedulicity. Dario is currently an Android and Ruby-on-Rails consultant and contractor.


Android, Android Jetpack, Android Studio, Firebase, Android SDK, Mobile Apps...
Kotlin, Android, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth, Neural Networks, Android SDK...
Swift Medical Inc.
Kotlin, Android, Bluetooth, Video Capture, Android SDK, RxJava 2, Mobile Apps...




Preferred Environment

Tmux, Sublime Text, Atom, Android Studio, OS X, Android Development

The most amazing...

...thing I've built was a genetic algorithm for creating a work schedule for a hospital staff with 24 constraints.

Work Experience

Senior Android Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Brought the app from an unusable state to a production-ready app.
  • Implemented and refactored all core features of the app and removed legacy code.
  • Implemented several complex screens, including the Onboarding and About You form screens. Also fixed UI issues on other screens.
Technologies: Android, Android Jetpack, Android Studio, Firebase, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Mobile App Development

Android Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Implemented a BLE connection between an Android device and a medical ultrasound to display live images of the patient's heart.
  • Developed a neural network model to run an analysis on the provided heart image from the ultrasound.
  • Architected and built the app using state-of-the-art components such as Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Flow, coroutines, ViewModel, Retrofit, etc.
  • Implemented a server-client protocol for running a server-based neural network.
Technologies: Kotlin, Android, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth, Neural Networks, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Mobile App Development

Android/Kotlin Developer

2022 - 2023
Swift Medical Inc.
  • Implemented integrations with other healthcare apps through deep linking.
  • Significantly improved the legacy source code to be more robust, maintainable, and testable.
  • Fixed hundreds of bugs and crashes using Jira to track the progress.
Technologies: Kotlin, Android, Bluetooth, Video Capture, Android SDK, RxJava 2, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Firebase, Integration, Mobile Development, Agile, Mobile App Development

Senior Android Developer

2019 - 2022
  • Spearheaded the development of the company app for business clients. This includes the software architecture and foundational code for the team.
  • Implemented complex features like the calendar, the checkout flow, custom animations, and designs, caching data with the database as the single source of truth.
  • Implemented the calendar UI from scratch with features comparable to Google Calendar. This includes swiping, dragging and dropping appointments, zooming, and scaling.
  • Implemented over 400 integration and unit tests, covering complex features and UI elements, making regression testing easier.
  • Managed a small team of four devs, which included mentoring, 1-on-1s, and code reviews to ensure up-to-standard codes.
Technologies: Android, Kotlin, REST, Android Jetpack, Coroutines, Git, Jira, Android Development, REST APIs, Android SDK, RxJava 2, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Agile, Mobile App Development

Senior Android Developer

2017 - 2019
Johnson & Johnson
  • Developed a dynamic UI and other components for reuse in multiple apps.
  • Implemented dozens of custom views and animations.
  • Consumed a complex REST API with dynamic form data for the UI to display.
  • Installed MVP/clean architecture using test-driven development, including technologies like Java, RxJava, and Kotlin.
Technologies: REST, RxJava, Android, Kotlin, Java, Android Development, REST APIs, Clean Architecture, Android SDK, RxJava 2, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Agile, Mobile App Development

Software Contractor

2017 - 2017
Turisticka Naklada d.o.o
  • Developed and customized the eCommerce back end using the Spree gem.
  • Implemented the provided designs in ERB, a rails framework for the UI.
  • Implemented features using TDD with the RSpec gem.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, REST APIs

Software Contractor

2017 - 2017
DECODE d.o.o
  • Implemented a BLE interface between an Android app and a light node device.
  • Developed advanced custom UI controls to manipulate the light node device. This included dragging and animating the screen's visual light node to manipulate LED light brightness/color.
Technologies: Bluetooth, Android, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Agile, Mobile App Development

Android and Rails Contractor

2015 - 2017
Online Freelance Agency
  • Built a Tinder clone (easy swipe capability) for jobs in Rails.
  • Implemented an MVP car racer Android app which tracks racer GPS locations and displays them on a map.
  • Developed a fintech app (LendingCircles) integrated with Salesforce.
  • Refactored and bug-fixed several poorly maintained projects which dramatically increased stability.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Android, Android Development, REST APIs, Clean Architecture, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Mobile App Development

Android Consultant

2015 - 2015
Ericsson Nikola Tesla, d.d.
  • Implemented scanning and connecting to a Bluetooth device.
  • Pulled data from a Bluetooth device and displaying it to the user.
  • Developed a sync-to-server functionality for Bluetooth data.
Technologies: Java, Android, Android Development, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Agile, Mobile App Development

Android Contractor

2015 - 2015
Bellabeat, Inc.
  • Developed a sync-to-server functionality for the LEAF app.
  • Implemented the main business logic for processing LEAF device data and showing it on the UI.
  • Installed token-based authentication, so clients retain logged status.
Technologies: Java, Android, Android Development, REST APIs, Android SDK, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile Development, Agile

Web Developer

2014 - 2014
Paul Scherrer Institute
  • Implemented the CKEditor onto their electronic workbook software.
  • Developed the responsive design for their electronic workbook software.
  • Designed a responsive layout using the Bootstrap CSS framework.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

CTO | Co-founder

2013 - 2014
  • Developed an Android app for tracking phone costs.
  • Built the back-end server in Django for supporting the mobile app.
Technologies: Django, Android

Android Contractor

2013 - 2013
Times Computers d.o.o
  • Worked on an internal Android survey app.
Technologies: GPS, Java, Android, Android Development, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, Google Maps SDK, Google Maps

Front-end Developer

2010 - 2010
  • Converted several PSD formats to HTML.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Flutter Tic-Tac-Toe

An open source tic-tac-toe game with AI built in the Flutter framework. The UI was done in Flutter using standard Google practices. The AI was created using the min-max algorithm with the alpha-beta pruning modification. The AI can never lose the game.

Android Clean Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate project I wrote for kickstarting Android apps using the Clean Architecture approach.

Bellabeat LEAF App

An Android app for connecting with LEAF smart jewelry. It pulls and processes data from the LEAF gadget and shows it to the user on a simple UI. It also syncs the data with the back-end for further processing.

Android Cost Tracker

This is a sample cost tracker app written upon the Android Clean Boilerplate. A user can manage and track his costs and the app syncs the data to the server.

Rails Cost Tracker

This is the web part of the cost tracker app. This web page displays all the costs entered on the mobile app. These costs are displayed in real time utilizing websockets and implemented in Ruby on Rails.

A Detailed Guide on Developing Android Apps Using the Clean Architecture Pattern

This is a blog post about developing Android apps in a way that makes them independent of frameworks, UI, or databases. Most importantly, it makes them easily testable and maintainable.

It provides a boilerplate project to kick-start Android apps in a clean way and provides a sample application to showcase how all of it works on a real app.

This blog post was featured in Android Weekly #191.

Ruby on Rails eCommerce App

Here, I implemented and customized the back-end using the Spree gem. During development, I guided the client on running an eCommerce website and provided marketing and other business advice. I also integrated the Braintree payment gateway as their payment processor.


Java, HTML, Kotlin, Dart, Python, Ruby, CSS, JavaScript, C, C++


Flutter, Android SDK, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Django, LibGDX, Ruby on Rails 4


REST APIs, jQuery, RxJava 2, Google Maps SDK, Google Maps, Google Maps API, RxJava


Android Studio, Git, Atom, Sublime Text, Tmux, Android Jetpack, Jira


Clean Architecture, Mobile Development, Agile, REST


Android, Firebase, OS X, Bluetooth LE, Web


Android Development, Mobile Apps, Android App Design, Mobile App Development, GPS, Bluetooth, Coroutines, Video Capture, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Integration


PostgreSQL, Redis

2013 - 2016

Master's Degree in Computer Science

University of Zagreb: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia

2010 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

University of Zagreb: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia

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